Hire Golang Developers

Experience unparalleled excellence with Krish Apps Lab"s certified Golang developers, who are industry pioneers in crafting scalable and reliable Cloud-native solutions. Leveraging cutting-edge Golang technologies such as GIN, GoORM, Echo, and ReactJS, we deliver innovative solutions tailored to your business needs.

Our offshore team of Golang programmers is committed to swiftly executing Golang application development projects and delivering dependable ongoing support.


Cloud Solutions

We excel in deploying GoApps on the Google Cloud platform. Leveraging Google Cloud's robust infrastructure, Go is fully supported across various services including Google Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions.

Blockchain Development

Our Golang backend experts specialize in implementing blockchain node software using Solidity or EVM bytecode. We offer support for both Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric platforms.

Frontend and Backend Development

Engage our Golang programmers in India to build robust web solutions across diverse industries. Our expertise spans frontend development using HTTP middleware and backend development utilizing GoORM, Routines, channels, and more.

Migration & Upgradation

Our offshore Golang programmers in India assist in seamlessly migrating your business applications to the Golang language and ensuring your apps are up-to-date with evolving market demands.

Concurrent Apps Development

Hire offshore Golang programmers to develop concurrent apps, enabling swift and effortless multi-threading capabilities for enhanced performance.

AI Development

Our developers are proficient in multiple machine learning libraries such as GoLearn, GoML, and GoMind. Additionally, we leverage Gorgonia for machine-learning graph computation, ensuring cutting-edge AI development solutions.

Efficient Performance

Golang's compiled nature ensures that code runs swiftly and consumes fewer resources compared to other languages, promoting rapid execution of applications.

Robust Typing

As a statically typed language, Go provides strong typing capabilities, enabling early detection of errors during the development phase, enhancing code reliability.

Effective Error Detection

Golang's static typing further aids in robust error detection, facilitating the identification of potential issues early in the development lifecycle.

Advanced Memory Management

With built-in garbage collection, Golang streamlines memory management, alleviating concerns related to memory allocation and deallocation.

Concurrent Processing

Go's inherent support for concurrency enables the seamless execution of multiple tasks concurrently, enhancing application responsiveness and performance.


Featuring clean and concise syntax, Go simplifies code readability and writing, facilitating the scalability of solutions to meet evolving business needs efficiently.