Amazon AWS Cloud Computing Services

Krish Apps Lab excels in delivering DevOps solutions and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing offerings, encompassing virtual machines, data pipelines, containers, and Virtual Desktop solutions. Our expertise enables you to enhance security and scalability across diverse devices, fostering heightened productivity and cost efficiency.

As a distinguished Amazon AWS partner in India, we facilitate businesses in transitioning their products, software, and solutions to the Amazon Web Services cloud while tailoring custom cloud infrastructures to meet their specific needs.


Infrastructure Provisioning

With Amazon EC2, our AWS cloud experts can swiftly deploy servers within minutes, equipped with your chosen operating system and additional features such as storage, security, and ports. Furthermore, we possess proficiency in configuring AWS Lightsail instances to cater to your requirements.


Storages and Streaming Services

AWS S3 and CloudFront exemplify top-notch cloud services. S3 offers robust data storage solutions, boasting an exceptionally secure infrastructure, while CloudFront efficiently manages content delivery, ensuring seamless presentation to users.


Database Management

This service ensures swift provisioning of dedicated database instances, managed by the AWS support team, within minutes. These instances are versatile, supporting various database engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Aurora, DynamoDB, among others.


Continuous Monitoring

Utilizing Amazon SNS and SES, we can effortlessly dispatch notifications to our user base across diverse platforms, encompassing web and mobile, spanning Android and iOS. The customizable integration with AWS Lambda CloudWatch ensures timely alerts whenever application activity is logged in CloudWatch.


Serverless Deployment

AWS Lambda provides essential support and necessary resources for seamless scaling, ensuring your systems operate within optimal capacity limits. With AWS Elastic Beanstalk, deploying services and web applications developed with various frameworks like .NET, Java, PHP, Python, and more becomes effortless, without the need for managing infrastructure.


Data Analytics

With our proficiency in data modeling and mining utilizing Amazon Athena, EMR, and Amazon Redshift, we enable comprehensive data analytics. Our adept data analytics team leverages Amazon OpenSearch service to search, visualize, and analyze vast volumes of text and unstructured data, culminating in insightful dashboards presented through Tableau and QuickSight.



Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) stands as a fully managed, certified Kubernetes Conformant Service, streamlining the endeavor of constructing robust infrastructure. Our management of the code repository, housing Docker images, is seamlessly handled within GitLab.

Reliability and Scalability

Through the configuration of ELB, EBS, and EKS, we enhance the reliability and scalability of the environment. Our DevOps engineers meticulously manage higher availability zones to mitigate latency resulting from system failures.

AWS API Support

We facilitate the management of your infrastructure programmatically, enabling tasks such as launching new instances or creating backups through APIs. APIs offer enhanced functionality compared to the AWS Management Console, providing greater control and flexibility.

Agility in Software Development

Our software development experts foster agility through DevOps, leveraging real-time user feedback to refine coding practices and expedite delivery timelines.

Continuous Integration & Deployment Automation

Our CI and CD automation practices drive efficiency, quality, and consistency in release processes. By integrating QA into development workflows, we ensure high code quality and seamless deployment.


Utilizing Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), we swiftly deploy clones across multiple regions, eliminating the need for repetitive setup steps and enhancing operational flexibility.

Pay Per Use

Enjoy limitless possibilities with pay-per-use services, from backup and archival storage to server provisioning and CDN integration. This scalable model ensures cost-effectiveness, with charges based solely on actual usage.