Azure Services In India

Opt for seasoned collaborators offering Azure cloud development solutions customized to your enterprise requisites. Experience seamless integration of web and mobile applications through Microsoft Azure app services. Drawing from extensive expertise, we tailor Azure consulting services to establish scalable IT infrastructures, ensuring elevated client satisfaction and optimized costs.

Leverage the potential of Windows Azure application development services to unlock boundless opportunities for your business expansion.


Cloud Computing

Our seasoned developers possess the expertise to deploy Virtual Machines (VMs) utilizing Azure CLI, PowerShell, and the Azure portal. These VMs can be configured for public access or restricted to specific Virtual Networks (VNet) using Azure AD account and identity server authentication.


Storages and Streaming Services

Azure Disk Storage and Amazon S3 Global Content Delivery are exemplary instances of this service. Azure File Storage and S3 provide a secure infrastructure, ensuring data integrity and reliability. CloudFront efficiently manages content delivery, ensuring seamless presentation and distribution to end-users.


Database Management

Through our Azure consulting service, your organization can swiftly provision dedicated database instances, overseen by Azure's expert support team. These instances are fully managed and cater to various database engines like Azure SQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Cosmos DB, and more, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.


Continuous Monitoring

Utilizing Azure notification servers and Azure domain service, we facilitate the delivery of push notifications and email alerts. Azure Monitor's Metric alerts offer a mechanism to receive notifications when specific metrics surpass predefined thresholds.

Serverless Deployment

Our team of serverless developers adeptly sets up Azure functions and Azure web jobs in conjunction with Azure Data Lake. Leveraging Azure App Services and Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS), we seamlessly deploy services and web applications crafted with .NET, Java, PHP, Python, and various other languages without the need for managing infrastructure.


Azure IoT Azure IoT

Our IoT experts efficiently translate your conceptualization into tangible solutions using secure, scalable, and open-edge-to-cloud offerings from the Microsoft Cloud. We integrate AI capabilities, such as Azure's Cognitive Services, into gathered data to anticipate maintenance needs for your devices, identify inventory replenishment requirements, and more.


Azure Data Analytics and ML

Our Azure Data Lake Analytics simplifies the development and execution of highly parallel data transformation and processing tasks using U-SQL, R, and Python, all without the need for infrastructure management. With the ability to process data on demand, scale seamlessly, and pay per job, it offers unparalleled efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

What is Azure Solutions?

Azure Solutions provides a versatile cloud-based platform for organizations to build, deploy, and manage applications and services. Offering a suite of capabilities including application and data management, security, monitoring, analytics, and mobile development, it caters to businesses of all sizes. With Azure Solutions, businesses can seamlessly transition to cloud computing, facilitating application deployment, data storage, accessibility, and mobile app development with ease.

What are the benefits of using Azure solutions?

Azure DevOps tools streamline software development processes, offering integrated services:

Azure Pipelines: Facilitates building, testing, and deploying code across various languages and frameworks like Microsoft ASP.NET MVC, Node.js, and Java.

Azure DevOps Services Integration: Connects source code with pipelines for automated code reviews and testing.

Azure Automation: Automates development processes with triggers and actions such as code reviews and deployments, alongside custom script and workflow creation.

Azure Active Directory Premium: Simplifies user and access management across the organization, reducing deployment time through automated user account creation and permission assignment.

What are the required licenses and permissions for using Azure DevOps Services?

Azure DevOps Services, currently in preview, offers licenses tailored for different needs: Azure Professional Services, Azure Advanced Services, and Azure Government Cloud. To utilize Azure DevOps Services for production, an Enterprise license is required.
Accessing Azure DevOps Services mandates specific permissions: creating resource groups, deploying workloads, managing jobs, and pipelines. Permissions differ based on license types; for instance, the Azure Professional Services license permits resource and job creation, while the Azure Advanced Services license extends to resource and pipeline creation.

What are the limitations of using Azure Solutions?

Azure consulting services expedite application deployment and maintenance, yet certain limitations exist within Azure Solutions. Not all applications align seamlessly with Azure, particularly high-performance ones reliant on extensive customization. Furthermore, specific data types may not optimally suit Azure storage. Despite potential drawbacks, Azure Solutions streamline application deployment, albeit maintenance can pose challenges, especially during platform transitions. Nonetheless, businesses benefit from rapid application deployment and enhanced performance and resilience, underscoring the value of Azure consulting services.